Recall (20 Year): Cleared Tooth Bridge Abutment Deconstruction (cleared root sections courtesy of Dr. Craig Barrington)

Terry Pannkuk, DDS, MScD Recall Observations, Endo Implantology

Learn the long term result of overloading a bridge abutment

Patient: 69 year old female with mild hypertension

Chief Complaint: Bridge fell off with maxillary 2nd molar distal abutment fractured (1993). Bridge fell off again (2013)

Dental History: Orthognathic surgery performed over 20 years earlier after a traumatic accident. The maxillary right first molar had been extracted with a three unit bridge made using the maxillary 2nd molar (#2) and maxillary 2nd bicuspid (#4) as abutments. The bridge had fallen off due to gross caries and a crown fracture (#2).

Significant Clinical Findings (1993): Caries exposure of the pulp, sharp/transient response to cold stimulation, slight to moderate percussion sensitivity, and normal periodontal findings (#2)

Diagnosis (1993): Irreversibly Inflamed Pulp with Acute Periradicular Periodontitis

Prognosis (1993): Guarded to Fair due to unfavorable remaining tooth structure

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