Cracked Central Incisor Bridge Abutment: 15 year Recall Exam

Terry Pannkuk, DDS, MScD Instructional, Complications: Advanced Management, Fractured Roots, Recall Observations

All cracks do not propagate

Patient: 71 year old male (time of recall exam) with controlled hypertension

Chief Complaint: "swelling”

Dental History: The patient previously had a three unit bridge made to replace the maxillary left lateral incisor (Tooth #’s 9-11). The patient reported recent swelling around the maxillary left central incisor (Tooth #9) and was referred to the author by his dentist.

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Linda Ricks commented 7 years ago.

A tooth with a crown root fracture, must have enough coronal tooth structure to establish a ferrule for the crown or abutment and ensure closed margins and to prevent coronal leakage. A previous history of trauma could be an etiology for a crown root fracture. Fractures can be verified by transillumation under crowns or abutments in cracked teeth.

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